What is Neuroplasticity?
According to Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., Renown Neuropsychologist & Cognitive Neuroscientist, NYU Dept. of Neurology Clinical Professor, Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology, Founding Director, Luria Neuroscience Institute, and the Chief Scientific Officer at NESTRE™, neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to change. It is driven by one’s cognitive or physical activities, and is in effect throughout one’s lifetime. Dr. Goldberg is the author of The Executive Brain; Frontal Lobes And The Civilized Mind and a contributor to What Makes a Champion.

“Most people operate below their peak cognitive capacity level. These skills can be improved through carefully designed cognitive exercise programs individually tailored to your needs.”
– Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, NESTRE Chief Scientific Officer Founding Director, Luria Neuroscience Institute
“Most people operate below their peak cognitive capacity level. These skills can be improved through carefully designed cognitive exercise programs individually tailored to your needs.”
– Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, NESTRE Chief Scientific Officer Founding Director, Luria Neuroscience Institute

What is NESTRE™ Plasticity?
NESTRE™ is a Neuro-Strength Company that applies today’s science and our proprietary training methodology to help people reach their full potential in brain health, mental wellness, and human performance through neuroplasticity. It provides customizable and non-invasive solutions to some of the world’s biggest brain-based health and performance challenges. Welcome to the NESTRE™ Science of Better.

The groundbreaking NESTRE™ app provides a premium digital environment to better both the mind and the brain. It uses algorithms and technology for training modalities, and delivers personalized training based on an individual's NESTRE™ mindset profile to achieve betterment in health, wellness and performance.
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DISCLAIMER: NESTRE™ does not offer medical diagnosis or treatment advice to any person or organization. NESTRE makes no claims that it can cure any conditions. If you take prescription medications for any condition, you should consult with your physician before discontinuing use of such medications. NESTRE services are not intended to treat any medical conditions and are only marketed as enhancing general wellness.