NESTRE Health & Performance

Want to delete your NESTRE Health & Performance app account?

To delete your account in the NESTRE Health & Performance app please follow the steps below:

1. Login to the NESTRE Health & Performance app with the email of the account you want to delete.

2. Tap on the settings icon in the top left of the Profile page.

3. Tap on Account Settings

4. Tap on Delete Account


This will delete all personal data associated with the NESTRE Health & Performance app. This includes email, name, birthday, NESTRE mindset profile, all NESTRE in-app cognitive training data, and all other data associated with the NESTRE Health & Performance app.

NESTRE does not retain any personal data that was used in the NESTRE Health & Performance app.

To cancel subscription on iPhone : Click Here for instricutions

To cancel subscription on Android : Click Here for instructions.


Any further questions or inquiries please use the form below to contact NESTRE app support.

Contact NESTRE App Support

8 + 4 =

DISCLAIMER: NESTRE does not offer medical diagnosis or treatment advice to any person or organization. NESTRE makes no claims that it can cure any conditions. If you take prescription medications for any condition, you should consult with your physician before discontinuing use of such medications. NESTRE services are not intended to treat any medical conditions and are only marketed as enhancing general wellness.