Press Release

BrainLit and NESTRE Forge Partnership to Optimize Human Health and Performance Environments

NJCAA | NESTRE Partnership
Sports Illustrated
Sports Illustrated
Harvard Medical School
Bleacher Report

The Science of Better

More than 2 billion people worldwide face brain-based health and productivity challenges; and more than 70% of people have stress that impacts their mental or physical health, while $4 trillion in global wellness spending indicates people want solutions to help them get better. 

NESTRE™ Health & Performance is a mental and cognitive strength training and solutions company that leverages neuroscience and AI/Machine Learning technology to personalize how people get better, feel better, and perform better.  

NESTRE™ offers proprietary Neuroplasticity Strength Training and is the first NEuro-STREngth company to leverage the science of neuroplasticity, which states that the brain can change and is in a constant state of changing, learning, responding, and adapting. At NESTRE™, you can tap into your own ability to heal, recover, and strengthen yourself both mentally and cognitively. 

Solutions at NESTRE™ are results-driven and successfully utilized by elite performers including NFL athletes and coaches, Olympians, and business executives. 

This is Personal

The CEO & Founder of NESTRE, Dr. Tommy Shavers, created a model of self-recovery and successfully healed himself from decadelong mental and cognitive impairment and decline after suffering career ending concussions as a collegiate football player.

Once he achieved what doctors deemed impossible, he aimed to create an efficient and scalable model to help others get better in the areas of brain health, mental wellness, and human performance. This breakthrough led to his discovery of the established science of neuroplasticity.

Dr. Shavers and the team at NESTRE are on a mission to change the narrative around mental health and cognitive performance and build a better world with the human in mind. 

Emil Ekiyor Jr

University of Alabama

“Like most college athletes I have invested a lot of time, energy, and resources to train and develop my body so I can perform at the highest level in collegiate sports.

I never though

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“Like most college athletes I have invested a lot of time, energy, and resources to train and develop my body so I can perform at the highest level in collegiate sports.

I never thought about training my brain, nor did I even think it was even possible to train your brain to not only perform at a high level, but to help you through the grind of a football season.

Then I met Dr. Tommy Shavers and NESTRE. NESTRE has allowed me to lock in on my preparation and performance in practice, training and game day. The ability to control how you stay locked through the ups and downs and grind of a season is powerful.”

Emil Ekiyor Jr

University of Alabama
Bennie Fowler

Bennie Fowler

NFL Player & Keynote Speaker; Author of Silver Spoon: The Imperfect Guide to Success

“I cannot thank NESTRE enough for everything they’ve done for me as a person and a player. It’s helped me put things into perspective, understand the importance of the brain, and also get con

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“I cannot thank NESTRE enough for everything they’ve done for me as a person and a player. It’s helped me put things into perspective, understand the importance of the brain, and also get control of my life. Going through this program is one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life.”

Bennie Fowler

NFL Player & Keynote Speaker; Author of Silver Spoon: The Imperfect Guide to Success
Steven Moss MD

Steven Moss, MD

Retired Orthopedic/Hand Surgeon

“The brain training essentially reversed my depressive and anxious symptoms, and restored an enjoyable lifestyle. NESTRE helped me develop my neurocognitive artistic skills at an even higher leve

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“The brain training essentially reversed my depressive and anxious symptoms, and restored an enjoyable lifestyle. NESTRE helped me develop my neurocognitive artistic skills at an even higher level.”

Steven Moss, MD

Retired Orthopedic/Hand Surgeon

Robert Griffin III

Heisman Trophy Winner, NFL Rookie of the Year, ESPN Analyst

“NESTRE brain training is not just a product, it’s a lifestyle. To be able to sharpen your skills cognitively in a way that hasn’t really been done before is groundbreaking.”

“NESTRE brain training is not just a product, it’s a lifestyle. To be able to sharpen your skills cognitively in a way that hasn’t really been done before is groundbreaking.”

Robert Griffin III

Heisman Trophy Winner, NFL Rookie of the Year, ESPN Analyst



The groundbreaking NESTRE app provides a premium digital environment to better both the mind and the brain. It uses algorithms and technology for training modalities, and delivers personalized training based on an individual's NESTRE mindset profile to achieve betterment in health, wellness and performance.

Download the App Today!

Dr. Tommy Shavers

    Dr. Tommy Shavers
    Founder & CEO

    President of Shavers Consulting. 10 years of Organizational Leadership & High-Profile Behavior Experience. NFL/NCAA Behavior and Performance Consultant. Former Captain Football Player for the University of Central Florida (UCF) and creator of the NESTRE Model.  [More]

    Click Here for Speaking Request

    Julius Thomas

      Julius Thomas
      Co-Founder & Chief Health and Performance Innovation Officer

      NCAA Division 1 basketball athlete with 2 NCAA Tournament appearances. 7 years in the NFL with 2 pro-bowl selections. Speaks for groups and organizations on topics in neuroscience, mental health, wellness, and performance. An advisory board member for the Society for NeuroSports and the Football Player Health Study at Harvard. [More]

      Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg

        Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg 
        Chief Scientific Officer

        World-renown Neuropsychologist, NYU Dept of Neurology Clinical Professor, and Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology. Author of The Executive Brain, Frontal Lobes And The Civilized Mind; and contributor for the book What Makes a Champion. [More]

        DISCLAIMER: NESTRE does not offer medical diagnosis or treatment advice to any person or organization. NESTRE makes no claims that it can cure any conditions. If you take prescription medications for any condition, you should consult with your physician before discontinuing use of such medications. NESTRE services are not intended to treat any medical conditions and are only marketed as enhancing general wellness.